The Web in 90 Seconds

A video series with short bursts of tech news, presented in a rapid, light format

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Here’s some other work from my portfolio

Podcasting for VAs

Your clients want to start a podcast. Are you ready to help them?

Podcasting for Solopreneurs

Use your voice to build a following, create long-lasting relationships, and have loads of fun in the process.

What is Podcasting 2.0, and why is it important?

Podcasting 2.0 is an initiative by one of the co-creators of the podcast medium. It’s trying to help the industry evolve, but not all of it is easy to understand. As a busy creator, here’s what you need to know about Podcasting 2.0.

It's time to unmute

Find the courage and confidence to use your voice. Create a body of work from your knowledge and experience.

Mark Steadman's 7 Day Trial

A weekly Internet radio show mixing music and discussion